Monday, December 12, 2005

This is my prayer...

A little birdie told me today that there's a possibility that there's a riot that's about to happen. I am really confused about what to say. I see now that Stan Tookie Williams is going to be executed tonight at Midnight and that Governor Shwarzenegger denied his clemency. My stomach is sick thinking about this situation. I don't know what to say or what to think. I don't want to take this time to make a statement about what the death penalty does or whether or not it's the right action to take. I just know that my heartbeat quickens when I think about what the state can do. Worse than that, I don't want to think of the possibility that violence is on the verge of a death that is less than 8 hours away. My prayer is that a horrible situation doesn't turn worse, but at the same time I know that something has to give. I think of Paris. I remember Rodney King. I know nothing but how frail this whole system is. I can only hope that if William's death is now imminent, that his death will continue to bring understanding about how important life and redemption can be. I can only hope that the protests stay peaceful. And I dearly pray that some fucking day we will be smart enough not to keep putting ourselves in this situation over and over. I can't stop typing, but I still can't think of anything to say. If you want to share your thoughts, please do so. I am open to your input.

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Blogger genderist said...

Wow. ... He was nominated for the Nobel Prize five times, and now we're showing him support on the green mile?

I'll let mine show: killing people is wrong. I don't think it makes it okay if a "jury of your peers" thinks you messed up. The opinion of thirteen people should never never never decide someone's fate.

5:27 AM  
Blogger Unequivocal_Prowess said...

I know. I just don't see the harm in commuting the sentence to life in prison. Maybe he's not innocent, but why kill someone who has written book after book condemning gang violence?

4:15 PM  
Blogger said...

The Governator is a complete fucking idiot who basically caved to the Republican party base because it was politically the safest thing to do.

I can't believe we're a country that still kills its own citizens as a way of demonstrating that killing people is wrong. A nation founded on Christian prinicples, indeed.

11:26 AM  

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